Thursday, August 19, 2010

Brother and Sister-In-Law

Meet my brother and his wife of 61 years. This was taken at the camp my son and I went to a week  ago in Ohio. I have just been too busy with company to get another blog written and in my experimenting with Picasa I got 4 pictures into 4 separate blogs. Dear friend Kim sent me a link to Picasa which had some instructions. Remember I had asked for help.

It said you could upload 4 pictures at a time. But I  couldn't figure out how to do this. No buttons anyplace that I could see to hold them once they  were selected.

Well, I have my niece is here this week from Colorado Springs . She is a Mack user but finally this evening we got it figured out. Yep, there is a little blue button to the left of all the other buttons at the bottom that you click on to hold the selection. Then do it one by one until 4. Then click on the blogger button and it takes you to sign in to blogger. When You go in there are all four pictures.

But Now I need to write blogs with these other pictures and get them out of the way without deleting them completely. So this is the first.

An update on my brother. I had told you he was diagnosed with lung cancer and had started on Chemo. Had two treatments I believe and the other day had chest pains bad enough that he wanted to go to the hospital and sure enough he had a mild heart attach. Ended up getting a stint put in but is home and feeling fine. Now the Doctor says no more Chemo. So hopefully he will get stronger and have a few more years with us. Sure glad I got to see him and all his wonderful family.

My  niece and I have been quilting and talking. and having a good time. I finally finished the quilt I have been hand quilting for almost a year. Now have another one in the hoop and ready to start.

Yesterday she helped me to get my Carolina Christmas quilt I made from Bonnie Hunters mystery  this winter. Ran out of pins so had to go to the Quilt ShopPosted by Picasaof course today. Will finish it up tomorrow. It is queen size and I will machine quilt it.

My niece will fly home on Saturday and hopefully I can get another blog written. Thanks for visiting and Another picture next time. 

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